We LOVE GOD by growing in our knowledge of Him and living in worshipful obedience to His Word.
We LOVE THE CHURCH because when the world sees how we care for one another they get a glimpse of what God's love is like.
We LOVE THE CITY because when God's love transforms us, it's impossible to contain it within the walls of our church—it overflows into tangible love for those around us.
We LOVE THE NATIONS because, one day, believers from every people group will worship with one voice around the throne of God and Jesus calls us to play a role in bringing that eternal promise to fruition.


For the glory of God, Outpost Church will be a Multi-Ethnic and multi-generational Church that sees Cities and Nations transformed by mobilizing pioneers who live and love like Jesus.


The following are the core practices and  beliefs of Outpost Church based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. 
All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.

We Are Anchored In Scripture

More than anything we want people to be lovers of the person of Jesus.  Far too often we're lovers of sermons, lovers of ministry, lovers of personalities, lovers of good books, and lovers of community. But are we primarily in love with God Himself?  A church cannot be successful or healthy if the people are not personally meeting with and enjoying God consistently.  The greatest command is to love  God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, so this must be our greatest priority as a church.

We Pursue Authentic + Gospel Centered Community

Far too often people view a Sunday morning large gathering as the primary context of church, and a community group as optional, and an option that most won’t choose. For us, we don’t want your experience of church to be merely sliding into a row and filling a seat once a week, but we want you to experience abundant life as Jesus intended by being an integral part of a family on mission within our church body. The primary context of church for us is a spiritual family, a family with a passionate purpose and a laser-focused mission: to love the world in which we live and share the good news of Jesus.

We Model Generosity

We have been given the greatest gift the world has ever known - the love, grace and mercy of God. Freely given to us, but yet cost our Savior everything. We have been set free and forgiven forever. Our destiny has changed. Our identity is brand new. Our guilt is destroyed. Our eyes are opened. Having freely received, we freely give.

We are generous with all of our time, talents and treasures so that we can give back to a God who has been overwhelmingly generous to us. Giving is worship - and our worship is a response to the extravagant grace and glory of God. It is our joy to give generously. Jesus was radically generous. Therefore, we are radically generous.

We Multiply Everything

So many churches begin small, relational, and discipleship-focused, but aren’t able to maintain those characteristics as numeric growth happens.  Before they know it, they have become more and more of a machine rather than a healthy family.  Meeting in homes sounds great, but what happens as the church grows?  How does a church adapt as the Lord adds to their number?  One word: Multiplication.  At Outpost Church, we multiply at every level starting with discipleship and watching it leak into multiplication of our Communities. The natural byproduct of multiplication of disciples and multiplication of communities is the multiplication of churches throughout our city and throughout our world.

We Love the Lost and the Broken

We believe that the church is to be a hospital and not a cathedral. We will follow the example of Jesus to run to the broken, the addicted, the common, the hurting and the unchurched. Because of this belief, we know that no one is perfect and everyone is welcome.

We Add Value To Our City

We believe a church can transform a community. God has called us to serve and love our community so that the hope and light of Jesus might be seen in our actions and in our lives. We believe our community can be more hope-filled because we are here.